Camilo Delgado

About Camilo Delgado

Camilo is a contributor for PCWer. He's been into tech since he was a teen, surfing through the web and local stores trying to find the cheapest way to play the latest Half-Life on his old Windows

Camilo is a contributor for PCWer. He's been into tech since he was a teen, surfing through the web and local stores trying to find the cheapest way to play the latest Half-Life on his old Windows XP PC. Ever since then, he's been an avid fan of computers and what makes them tick! At PCG, you'll find him writing buying guides and how tos. Fun fact, he's never missed breakfast a day in his life.

Camilo holds a bachelor's degree in Social Communication and Periodism from Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Articles by Camilo Delgado