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Can Discord see my messages?

Breaking down Discord's moderation policy
Last Updated on April 14, 2023
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If you like a bit of privacy, you may be wondering: Can Discord see my messages?

Unfortunately, Discord’s admin team is able to read private messages and messages sent on private servers.

To be honest, this is expected. Since monitoring the platform is important to safeguard users against phishing, scams, and abuse, it is essential for the Discord team to have access to all messages on the platform.

Although, this doesn’t mean Discord is actively spying on you. The admin team will only view your messages if they have been flagged by reports. And according to company reps, the platform takes a more reactive approach to moderation rather than proactive.

The responsibility of message monitoring falls into the hands of the dedicated trust and safety team. So, only these specific employees can access your chats.

So, what happens if you delete a message? Well interestingly, according to Discord once a message is deleted it is lost forever. You will not be able to view them again nor will any member of the Discord team.

This feature is great for those trying to declutter busy servers. However, it also means that users who are mistreating the platform can remove any evidence stopping them from getting caught.

Are Discord messages private?

Direct messages sent between a specific sender and recipient are private. They cannot the viewed by anyone else outside the channel.

Bear in mind that if a message in a private channel gets reported, members of the Discord admin team will have access to the chat to investigate the claims.

Final Thoughts

So, it looks like Discord can read your messages. Although, if you are using the platform for general small talk it is highly unlikely that anyone from their admin team will go snooping through your chats.

Funmi joined PCWer in November 2022, and was a driving force for the site's ChatGPT coverage. She has a wide knowledge of AI apps, gaming and consumer technology.