Version: 2.3.0

WhyNotWin11 Download

Get the PC Health Check alternative with this WhyNotWin11 download

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With many Windows 10 users wanting to upgrade to the latest OS, Windows 11, they need to find out if their system is ready for the install. While Microsoft has released their own system checker named PC Health Check, this application is somewhat flawed and doesn’t provide you with my real insight into why your PC is either Windows 11 ready or if it fails the requirements.

WhyNotWin11, created by a Louisville developer, goes above and beyond what PC Heath Check does and provides you with a full deep dive into all of your PC’s components and if they’re up to scratch for what Windows 11 requires.

What’s New

  • Removed Tray Icon (credit @PikuZheng)
  • Added Translations
  • Minor Code Cleanup
  • Fixed Text Being Scaled
  • Tweaked Result Outputs
  • Clarified CPU Check Results
  • Greatly Improved GPT Check (credit @htcfreek, @Qazy147)
  • Greatly Improved UEFI Check (credit @htcfreek)
  • Added Command Line Switches (not yet fully working)
  • Exit Icon Now Shows Hand Cursor
  • Moved CPU Name to Bottom Panel
  • Fixed Crash on Multiple CPU Setups
  • Minor Compiled File Detail Changes
  • Greatly Improved SecureBoot Check (credit @htcfreek)
  • Added Warning for Win 7 and Earlier
  • 10 of 11 Checks Now Report Instantly
  • GPU Name Now Listed Along with CPU
  • Removed Annoying Yellow Warning Banner
  • Fixed Backup RAM Check Reporting KB as GB
  • Improved Disk Space Check to Check Other Disks
  • Fixed Intel CPUs Reporting Current Speed Occasionally
  • Moved Translations and CPU Lists to %localappdata% instead of %temp%
  • Removed Admin Rights Requirement. They’ll be requested if available, however. (credit @htcfreek)