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RTX 4070 price: MSRP confirmed

Will the RT 4070 price meet enthusiasts' expectations or will Nvidia overprice its next available card
Last Updated on April 13, 2023
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Rumors have been flying on the expected RTX 4070 price, with YouTuber Moore’s Law is Dead citing a potential $749.99 starting price. But now we know for certain where it’s placed. With an expected launch date of April 13th for third-party models, the MSRP for the RTX 4070 is confirmed as £599.

RTX 4070 Price

Our prediction of an MSRP of $699 wasn’t far off the mark and was based on Nvidia’s pricing strategy for the RTX 3070, which was released at $499. Seeing that the RTX 4090 and the 4080 also increased in price compared with the last-gen, we expected that material costs and inflation could result in a considerable rise in the baseline MSRP.

That’s not exactly the case for MSRP though, as $599 is (thankfully) cheaper than we expected. It also puts it in an interesting place: $100 less than the RTX 3080 and $100 more than the RTX 3070. Clearly, the new card will be more powerful than the 3070, but its pricing versus its older 3080 cousin is critical. In a world where VRAM is useful in AAA games and even the RTX 30-series can trip up occasionally, the next-gen is usually better equipped.

Should you get the 4070?

Considering the specifications and price point, the RTX 4070 appears to be a promising GPU to purchase. Therefore, if you are looking to have a well-balanced GPU with great 1440p gaming as your focus, the 4070 could be worth considering once released. Based on the fact that the xx70 GPUs are the second most popular graphics cards from Nvidia, it is likely that the RTX 4070 will also be a popular choice for users seeking a higher-performance GPU.

The RTX 4070 Ti is a powerful graphics card that delivers excellent performance for 1440p gaming. The RTX 4070 is clearly a step further down the Ada chain, but reports suggest it’s on a level and occasionally better than the RTX 3080 in certain titles. At $100 less MSRP, that makes it a sensible choice for the latest tech in the $600+ budget, considering partner cards may be pricier. It’s more power efficient than a 3080 too.

4070 or 3070?

The RTX 4070 Ti itself is about 50% more than the 3070, and thus far reports suggest that the 4070 could see a 25% boost over its 30 series rival. Specs and overall metrics are now confirmed, and the 4070 clearly outmuscles and outperforms the 3070. If you can be flexible on price, the extra $100-ish will be worth it.

Camilo is a contributor for PCWer. He's been into tech since he was a teen, surfing through the web and local stores trying to find the cheapest way to play the latest Half-Life on his old Windows