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Apple may not reveal any new hardware at WWDC, even with the next Apple TV still unannounced

The latest information regarding Apple's WWDC keynote
Last Updated on June 3, 2024
Apple may not reveal any new hardware at WWDC, even with the next Apple TV still unannounced
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With WWDC just around the corner, people are beginning to wonder what will be announced by Apple. The company’s schedule has been confirmed, with the keynote taking place on June 10th. In addition to this, it has also been announced that the company will be sharing information about the upcoming updates to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, and WatchOS. However, in a recent post in his trusted Power On newsletter, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman said that there will be no hardware announced at WWDC. Let’s find out more.

Will Apple showcase any hardware at WWDC?

The WWDC is a great place for Apple to showcase its most recent technological developments and announce new products to the world. In previous years, Apple has used this annual event as an opportunity to introduce new hardware devices prior to their launch and release – 2023 had the Vision Pro for example. However, this year it has been reported by Mark Gurman that we shouldn’t expect to see any hardware being showcased on the schedule.

“There’s no hardware slated to be announced at WWDC, unless Apple unexpectedly previews a new device launching later (to be clear: I don’t expect that)”

Mark Gurman – Power On newsletter

Not even a new Apple TV?

It has been previously rumored and reported that customers should expect to see a new Apple TV model in the first half of this year. This is why it was also expected that there would be a mention of it at WWDC 24. However, according to Gurman, we won’t be seeing any mention of hardware at the event. The last Apple TV was announced in 2022, and by the looks of the timeline listed below, we should be getting a new one either this year or next.

  • 3rd-gen Apple TV 4K: October 2022
  • 2nd-gen Apple TV 4K: April 2021
  • 1st-gen Apple TV 4K: September 2017
  • Apple TV HD: September 2015
  • 3rd-gen Apple TV: March 2012

It has been rumored that the next TV to be released by Apple will incorporate a faster processor than the current A15 bionic chip, and potentially even lower pricing. Apart from this, there have been no major design changes that are rumored. However, Gurman has stated that there could be an addition of a camera to the future model, allowing users to access Facetime on the TV.

So, we won’t be seeing a new Apple TV at this year’s WWDC. However, we’re certainly interested to see when the next model could arrive – so stick with us if you’d like to stay up-to-date.

Eve is a writer and copy editor at PCWer, who focuses on a broad range of topics but main interest lies in the development of AI technology.