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No Rest for the Wicked is now verified for Steam Deck

The game should now run smoothly out of the box
Last Updated on June 20, 2024
No rest for the wicked
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No Rest for the Wicked has been in early access since April this year. This version is only available on PC, while the full game will also be released for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. As soon as the early access went live, it was playable on handhelds, including the Steam Deck. Now, after almost two months, the game has finally been verified for the Steam Deck, meaning you should now get a smoother and more optimized experience.

On April 18, the day on which No Rest for the Wicked’s early access went live, Gennadiy Korol, the co-founder of Moon Studios, took it to Twitter and claimed that they had “moved mountains” to make the game playable on the Steam Deck on day one. In its playable state, the game was delivering 30 to 40 FPS on the Steam Deck, though there were occasional dips. However, Korol added that they were working on improving the image quality and performance dips. And now, after months of waiting, No Rest for the Wicked has finally received the verified status for the Steam Deck.

No Rest for the Wicked verified badge (Image source: ProtonDB)

No Rest For The Wicked added to list of Steam Deck verified games

A verified status means the developers have worked closely with Valve to ensure the game runs well on the Steam Deck. This requires extensive testing, as the developers must improve its performance and overall visual quality. Previously, No Rest for the Wicked was playable on the Steam Deck through Proton compatibility tools. While this allowed players to experience the game on their handheld devices, it wasn’t an ideal solution. Now that it has been officially verified, you can download it straight from the store without relying on third-party tools. Additionally, you will no longer have to worry about tweaking the settings.

It is, however, important to remember that No Rest for the Wicked is still in its early access stage, so you may encounter various issues from time to time. The main purpose of early access is to identify and fix these issues before the full release. Despite this, the game is definitely worth playing. It has an overall positive rating on Steam, and the main story will keep you engaged for around 14 hours. If you aim for 100% completion, expect to spend around 24 hours. In any case, this has been a great month for Steam Deck users, as two Kingdom Heart collections also recently got verified for the handheld.

Abdul is a tech writer and Editor for PCWer, specializing in all things tech, gaming, and hardware.