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Best Lenovo VR Headset in 2023

Are you looking to purchase a Lenovo VR headset? Here are our top choices and their specifications.
Last Updated on April 15, 2024
Lenovo HTC VIVE Cosmos 3D virtual reality headset

If you’re looking for the best Lenovo VR headset in 2023, we’ve got you covered right here.

When searching for the best VR headset, it is not an easy choice. With so many new and emerging headsets on the market, it is difficult to know which is the best option. One competitor in particular that creates great VR headsets is Lenovo.

We will be chatting you through the 6 best Lenovo VR headsets. We have also included AR and MR headsets too to give you a wide range of options. The headsets all have fantastic specifications, and cater to every type of price budget.

Products at a Glance

How we picked

We tried to prioritize headsets which had a strong and reliable connection, whilst also maintaining clear visuals. There’s a range to suit most budgets and head sizes! Comfort and durability were also at the top of our list.

If this isn’t quite the VR headset guide you’re looking for, check out our guide to the best Google VR headset, or the best Valve VR headset.

Our Recommended

Product Reviews

  • Standalone headset - You do not have to worry about wires which allows you to move more freely
  • 3D and 4K visuals - High quality visuals allow for a better gameplay overall
  • Immersive - Draws you into the game fully and stop you from being distracted
  • Gyroscope - Not accurate and can potentially impact some types of gameplay

The Lenovo Mirage Solo with Daydream is our top choice for best Lenovo VR headset. It is not too expensive to purchase, and it is a great option to consider. It is fully immersive, and weighs only 1.42 pounds which is very lightweight. The screen size is 5.5 inches, which is a good size.

The display type is LCD, and it is a standalone headset, so you do not have to worry about any cables getting in the way. It is comfortable to wear, and is a breathable headset. The materials are high quality, and it provides 3D and 4K visuals. In addition to this, it comes with a free copy of Blade Runner: Revelations, which is a great addition.

It is powerful in its design, but some people have noted that the gyroscope is not always completely accurate.

  • Comfort - You can wear this headset for some time, and it is still comfortable
  • Fluid tracking - Tracks movements precisely which will improve your overall gameplay
  • Multi device interaction - Many ways you can use this headset which is useful
  • Bluetooth connection - Not all computers have a Bluetooth connection, which means you may not be able to connect the headset

The Lenovo G0A20001WW is a mixed reality headset. It is quick and easy to set up, and provides a fantastic 2880 x 1440 resolution. The design is comfortable, and you can wear this headset for an extended period, with no issues.

As it has multi-device interaction, you can use this MR headset with the controller, keyboard, mouse, and the Cortana digital assistant, making it versatile. The motion controllers are tracked accurately, and are included with the headset. The headset is covered by a warranty, and weighing less than a pound, it is easy to wear.

The fluid tracking follows your movements, and you have up to 11 feet of distance, as the connection to the devices is fantastic. You are not stuck with any wires either, which is useful. As the connection uses Bluetooth, you will need to have this option if you are using the headset with a laptop or PC

  • High quality - This is a top of the range headset
  • Accessories included - It includes everything you need to start
  • Comfort - The headset is comfortable to wear
  • Price - This headset is quite expensive

If you are looking for a top of the range VR headset, the HTC Vive Pro is the option for you. While it is the most expensive headset featured, it does feature everything you will need. It includes the headset, base station, two controllers, and a link box.

It tracks your movements very well, and it also has precision eye tracking. The resolution is 2880 x 1600 which is fantastic, and it has a 615 PPI. As it features Foveated rendering, the graphics provided are clear, and crisp. The headset itself works well for comfort, and will fit people of all ages. The visual fidelity is top tier.

As this features everything you will need, you do not have to worry about purchasing anything in addition to this. The warranty on the headset is great, and covers the device for two years, giving you peace of mind.

As the balance of this headset is great, this means that you can play the games without worrying about feeling off balance. It is completely immersive and easy to use. The controllers are accurate too.

It is created with the view of fitting many head sizes, you know that it will be suitable for all the family. The strap is easy to adjust, and this will allow all the family to get involved.

  • Steam and Viveport access - Allows you to play many games
  • Screen Size - It features a good size screen
  • Memory - It has a good memory capacity
  • Heavy - It is heavier than many other VR headsets

The HTC VIVE Cosmos 3D headset is a popular option for a VR headset. It features an 8 GB memory capacity, and a 3.4-inch screen. While it is one of the more expensive options featured, it is a fantastic option.

It is heavier than some of the other options featured, being 1 kilogram in its size. However, it features 6 tracking cameras to make your movements as precise as possible. The high fidelity is superior, and it has access to both Viveport and Steam, which gives you a good number of games to choose from.

It comes with access to the Viveport Infinity, which gives you 2 months access to over 700 games, which is a great addition. While it is a heavier headset, it is still comfortable to wear. It does not feel too heavy when it is worn, and you can move freely and easily.

As there are no wires attached, your gameplay will not be interrupted, and this will provide you with a fully immersive experience. This headset is not too expensive, and would be a great option if you are looking for a good quality VR headset on more of a budget.

  • Lightweight - This allows the VR headset to be easy to wear and comfortable
  • Lighthouse tracking - This tracks movements effectively and precisely
  • Vive Port access - As the access is unlimited this allows you to play many games
  • Cost - This is one of the more expensive VR headsets that can be purchased.

This headset is similar to the standard HTC Vive, but it does have additional features. It weighs only 10.7 pounds, which is lightweight. While it is an expensive VR headset, it is not the most expensive option featured.

It uses a Windows operating system, and has an LCD display type. The flip up design makes using it easy, and it has access to Vive Port to purchase and play games. The graphics are immensely clear, and the LCD panel reduces the screen door effect often present with VR headsets.

The lighthouse tracking is effective, and you have 160 square feet of space to use. You have unlimited access to the Vive Port, and the resolution is 2880 x 1700. It is easy to use, and comfortable too.

It comes with everything you need to start playing games. The precision is great, and it does track every movement you create well. The tracking is external, and you do not have to worry about wires interfering with your game play.

Buyer’s Guide

Before you decide which Lenovo headset is the best option for you, there are a number of different things you will be able to take into consideration before purchasing.


The first thing you will want to consider is the cost of the VR headset. As you can see from the different options we have chosen, there is a wide range of different pricing options.

This is because different VR headsets offer different specifications. The more expensive the headset is, the better quality it tends to be overall. In addition to this, the more expensive headsets tend to offer more accessories too, which can be useful.

However, if you are shopping on a budget, there are many great VR headset options that are not too expensive to purchase.

Materials Used

When purchasing a headset, it is important to take a look at the materials used to create the headset. You will want the headset to be made of durable and good quality materials. This will help to prolong the lifespan of the headset, and will help to prevent it from breaking easily, especially when dropped.

In addition to this, you will want the headset to have good quality accessories that are durable too. The majority of headset are made using strong plastics and secure fasteners to ensure that the headset does not fall off or break while in use. Ideally the straps will be versatile and adjustable.


Given that you will be wearing the headset for longer periods of time, comfort is important. You will want to ensure that the headset is capable of fitting your head with ease, and is not too tight or loose.

The headset should not be painful to wear, and ideally it will feature some form of padding around the face for comfort. The strap should be easily adjustable too.


When you take into consideration that you will be looking at the screen inside the VR headset, the resolution is particularly important. You will want to ensure that the display is clear, and the image is crisp and vibrant.

All the headsets we have featured have a great resolution, and you do not have to worry about looking out on this. However, the resolution of each headset we have included does vary slightly. Anything that is around 2,000 for each eye is a fantastic amount.


The sensors and the connection are linked, and you will want to ensure the sensors on the VR headset and any of the accessories are working correctly. They should respond to your movements with ease, and even the smallest of movements should be noted and recognized.

There should be no lag experienced from when you move to when this is registered on both the headset and the PC or laptop. The sensors should feature motion tracking to be aware of where you are placed.


Given that your VR headset will connect to your PC or laptop, you will want to ensure that the connection is great. You will want to be able to move freely without the connection cutting out.

All the headsets we have included do feature great connection. They are easy to connect, and once connected remain connected for some time. While some VR headsets feature wires, we would recommend purchasing a headset that is wire free. This will allow you to have more freedom when moving and playing the games. It prevents the wires from hindering you.

Types Of Headset

As you will have noticed, in this article, we have discussed a number of different headset types. There are three main types of headset, VR, AR, and MR. They all have slightly different purposes.

VR Headset

These are the most common types of headset, and it stands for virtual reality. They provide complete virtual reality, and they only allow the user to see the screen within the headset. They are fully immersive, and the option people are most familiar with. They are common choices for video games.

AR Headset

AR stands for augmented reality. These types of headsets are still immersive, but they are not fully immersive. Instead of displaying a completely virtual picture in the headset, it creates superimposed images within reality. In some ways they are safer to use, and are more realistic, and you can actually see the environment surrounding you.

MR Headset

MR headsets are known as mixed reality headsets. While they are similar to AR, there are some differences. However, MR headsets also create a layer of VR over reality. The headset provides images that are more realistic in comparison to both VR and AR.


When purchasing a headset, it is worth noting whether it is available with other accessories. Some headsets do not come with accessories such as controllers, but others do. The headsets that come with the different accessories tend to be a more expensive option outright, but can help you to save money in the long run.


Before purchasing a headset it is worth looking into whether it comes with a warranty. This can help to put your mind at ease if something were to go wrong with the headset.

Given that these headsets are expensive and are an investment, you will want to have reassurance that it can be fixed or replaced if it becomes faulty in the first year or two of owning it.

Is the Lenovo VR good?

Yes, the Lenovo VR headsets are good. They are lightweight, comfortable to wear, and they provide a great gaming experience. They are reasonably priced, and a great option if you are looking for your first VR headset. The specifications of these headsets are great.

Can you run VR on a laptop?

Yes, you can run VR on a laptop. However, there are a few different things that you will need. You will need to ensure that you have enough connection ports available to connect the VR headset to the laptop. In addition to this, you will need enough RAM and a video card in order for the VR to work correctly.

Why is VR so expensive?

When you take into consideration how new this technology is, it is no surprise that it is so expensive. It costs considerably more to create, and as a result this is reflected in the cost.

However, when you think about how popular VR is becoming, it has started to lower in price. This is because there are more competitors, and it is becoming more popular to purchase.

Our Verdict

Fantastic 4K visuals in a standalone, affordable headset? We’re in. Our top pick goes to the Lenovo Mirage Solo, which promises good quality and a comfortable feel.